Madame Curie’s Notebooks/ poem by Laurence Carr

Madame Curie’s Notebooks

are still too radioactive
to touch
to read
to see

they lie in lead lined coffins
waiting for their halflives to end
while poor Marie has moved on
her full life gone

but still aglow out in the darkness
the lamppost at the crossroads
now to whom all things are known
and to whom no secrets are hidden

Marie, our incendiary lover
Marie, our starry night

(This poem was previously published in Threnodies: poems in remembrance. (Codhill Press 2016)


Laurence Carr is the publisher of His writings have been published for over 50 years and his plays have been produced throughout the U.S. and Europe. HIs newest poems can be read in Clerestory and Deep Wild Journal.

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