Nautilus and The Oyster Man/ 2 poems by Freida Feldman


The chambered labyrinth
Goes deeper into darkness
Round and round and round,
Until the last small space
Has no exit.


The Oyster Man

The oyster man walks the bay
Today, he has waited for the tide to shift,
And the moon to release earth from her embrace,
He does not hurry, oysters do not run,
They rest in their beds
While he moves slowly, with his three-pronged stick
To lift
each one, gently
And bring it home.


Freida Feldman started writing at age seven and continues writing at age ninety-three. She was a Registered Nurse, a "blue water" sailor and lived in northern Vermont and the Florida Keys where she performed numerous poetry readings. She is the Poet Laureate of Key Largo, Florida.